
Cass is here again.

I want to dish out another rant for you all today, because, well, who doesn’t love rants?

I’ve noticed recently that people talk about change, alot. Places changing, music changing, and even people changing. Now, if you’re anything like me, you have some super mixed feelings about change. I mean, things are great the way they are, right? Well, not always.

Imagine if our world never changed. We would basically still be cavemen, and well, this page wouldn’t even exist. But hey, we would complain if that hadn’t changed…Right? Oh wait, I’m wrong? Well, ask yourself this, how is that much different from today’s world?

We spend our days analyzing, criticizing, and super sizing our world. Judging, harming, and hurting. We scrutinize others choices, and belittle others for their actions. We complain day after day about people changing, and reinventing themselves..Then are hurt, when people do the same thing to us.

Think about this, everyone changes with time. If our personalities and figures stayed the same, you would still be that scared little girl hiding behind your mom in the grocery. You might still be that little boy terrified of making friends. You might very well have never met the people you are closest to now, or never read that book that changed your life. You never would have went to camp, found inspiration, became a child prodigy, or visited Washington D.C.

You never would have had the experiences you have had now, and you wouldn’t be the person you are today. Because with time, comes change. As scary as change can be sometimes, its what us humans feed off of. Had you never taken the leap to move, go to college, get a job, or reinvent your style? You wouldn’t be who you are. Experiences make us who we are, experiences are changes, and changes make us human.

So, the next time you are about to criticize your friends new hair, your dads new shoes, or your new neighbors, think about how those experiences are going to influence those people. How your friends new hair might have finally boosted her too low self-esteem, which you just crushed. How your dad’s new shoes make him feel less old, and you just made him feel like the lame dad trying to hard. And how your new neighbors are trying so hard to fit in, rather than stand out.

Experiences make us, changes face us, and life takes us. I’ll leave you with a quote to think on.

What’s your thoughts? Let us know on facebook, twitter, email, or in the comments below. Love y’all so much, and check back tomorrow for more food for thought♥

Accepting the Unacceptable

Cass here.

There’s a very famous quote that says;

We accept the love, we think we deserve

Now, this quote was written by a very wise man, by the name of Stephen Chbosky. If any of you guys out there are book nerds, which I’m sure you are if you follow our blog, you know that Chbosky wrote The Perks Of Being  A Wallflower. If you haven’t read it, read it. It’ll seriously change your life.

Now, the point of this post isn’t about this book, believe it or not. Rather, its about that quote. Day by day we move through life like robots. Wake up, school or work, get home, eat, tv/homework/reading, and then bed. It seems, that, day by day, we forget about a little thing called…Love.

I’m not going to sit here and type away about sappy romances, protagnists saving the girl of their dreams, and cheesy pick up lines (Although, cheesy pickup lines are great. “Is your Dad a robber? Cause he stole the stars and moon and put them in your eyes” 😉 . Rather, I’m going to tell you how Chbosky’s quote can be taken in a literal way. About, how, we as humans do exactly as Chbosky says, in the quote above.

Its eight words, so how, could it possibly describe over half the human race, you say? Well, we as humans have become adapted to settling. We settle for everything. We settle for the marked down loaf of bread, the discounted sweater, and believe it or not, we even settle when it comes to love.

I see it every day, boy and girl alike. We pass through life believing we need a significant other, to make us happy. When we don’t have one? We find ourselves depressed, upset, and feeling left out. So, someone comes around. They tell us the right words, everything we want to hear. Whether we feel the emotions we should towards them, we settle. We throw caution to the wind, and go for the one who says the things that seem to make all our insecurities fade. We settle for the guy/girl who will eventually use us, and leave us with our hearts in our hands.

We all have standards, whether you want to admit it or not. Every human has a right to standards, which more often or not, we over look. We over look the standards that we should, so we can fit in, be cool, and have someone who we believe “Makes us happy.”

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve experienced this too, but is lowering our standards really going to get us anywhere in life? Saying;

I love him

He loves me

I’m the happiest I’ll ever be

When you went for the guy that uses every girl? For the girl whose been with every guy? Now, you’re probably thinking, how in the world does this have anything to do with  Chbosky’s quote? Well, although you may lower your standards, and settle, you’re also doing exactly what Chbosky says. You’re accepting the kind of love that you think you DESERVE.

Sure you have insecurities, we all do, but you’re settling for the guy, because he makes those insecurities “fade away.” In more simple terms, you’re accepting him, and the love he gives you, because that’s what you think you deserve to have. Which is awesome. In a similar way, we settle for the guys (and girls) who use us or ask for more then we want to give. Which in short, is what we might believe we deserve.

If you don’t think highly of yourself, then you’re probably not going to think highly of what type of significant other you should be given either. Which, honestly, you’re awesome. You deserve all the world has to give. But, that my friends, is for another article.

Well, that’s all for now! Let us know on our twitter, facebook, or in the comments section below your thoughts(: